Coordinator Message

I am very happy to know that our literary team is bringing out the school magazine. They have been doing this every year but each year there is a great novelty variety and inspirational messages for all.
I take pride in being a member of this institution and having Rev. bro. shine as my mentor. it is a rich experience working under him. He has been an excellent navigator and inspirer and a motivator. Under his guidance and navigation the school has venture new avenues and Montfort, Nagpur, is scaling new heights not only academics but also in co-curricular activities everyday. There is no problem to which bro. shine has no solution.
As a supervisor an academic coordinator I have found that the students in Montfort, Nagpur, not excelling in academic but have also shown outstanding performance in extra curricular activities. Right through the academic year a number of formal and informal evaluations are carried out. A number of seminars workshop and conferences are conducted by experts, in the school, for the students, teachers and parents. Teachers are sent for intensive training right throughout the year has they are well equipped with the latest developments and changes and remain always updated to face the challenges. The teachers are ever willing to take up types of problems related to studies and students and help our students and every possible way. Each teacher of the high school has four adopted students who are given extra care and guidance through remedial classes to improve their performance.
The teacher are well verse with their subjects and determined in the mission and vision of the institutions which aims to improve the confidence of the individual. Together we learn and grow building a beautiful nation with bright citizens.
The staff and the students are highly committed and striving for excellence so that there is holistic development in our students.
I extend my hearty congratulations and prayerful wishes to every member of the Literary club. It is my prayer and wish that Montfort, Nagpur , grows in all aspects of educational endeavor and every child who enters it leaves as a fully developed and integral human being.